Oh yeah this was supposed to be about dairy goats. Well just like the eggs & meat once you had fresh goats milk you won't go back to store bought whole cows milk. I can't taste the difference and we don't have to worry about hormones or pasturuzing as goats milk is naturally pasteurized and better for your belly. We have one Nubian & one LaMancha and we yield about one and a half gallons a day. Yes I hand milk at 7 am & 7 pm. So what do we do with all this milk. Well we drink it.
I also make cheese with it. Still working on getting the hardness correct and not looking like ricotta but it tastes awesome.
Yesterday I made my first batch of yogurt. I especially like it with granola and raisins.
Props go out to Hanby Dairy & New England Cheese for all their products & equipment. Everything is well packaged with instructions. Their kits are great with easy
recipes. I highly recommend stainless steel pots, strainers & utensils. A candy thermometer is a must. I also purchased a YogoTherm to help make the yogurt. Since we are on solar this product does not use any electricity. The Yogurt packets have instructions which make it very simple.
Next I will be making lotions and soaps. Just waiting on the supplies to come in which I purchased from Bulk Apothecary so stay tuned.